Find Inspiration

Explore different styles and ideas. Modify the bold parts from the prompt and generate products!

Silhouette wallpapers

Multiple layers of silhouette mountains, with silhouette of big rocket in the sky, sharp edges, at sunset, with heavy fog in the air, vector style, horizon silhouette Landscape wallpaper by Alena Aenami, firewatch game style, vector style background

Comic Art

Retro comic style artwork, highly detailed panda, comic book cover, symmetrical, vibrant

Hyper-Realistic Anime Portraits

Closeup face portrait of a black girl wearing crown of flowers, smooth soft skin, big dreamy eyes, beautiful intricate colored hair, symmetrical, anime wide eyes, soft lighting, detailed face, by makoto shinkai, stanley artgerm lau, wlop, rossdraws, concept art, digital painting, looking into camera

Low Poly Creatures

Kawaii low poly panda character, 3d isometric render, white background, ambient occlusion, unity engine, square image

Find more examples at and


Collapsible content

How it works

We use AI to generate images from text. Type anything that comes to your mind and generate a new product. is based on Stable Diffusion – open source AI model made by

It is as simple as following these steps:
1. Enter any situation or idea that comes to mind and submit the form. For example: A beautiful photo of a mountain landscape, by thomas kinkade and marc simonetti, 8k resolution, trending on artstation, oil painting.
2. Wait for the product to be generated. In the meantime, browse a featured collection.
3. Open the generated product and see if you like it.

By default, T-shirts are generated. If you want to generate products other than T-shirts, you can add either canvas or hoodie after your prompt.

Prompt engineering

Prompt engineering is an essential part of this application. You can get better at replicating your ideas into words with some practice.

The general prompt format is: the main idea, by artist name 1 and artist name 2, modifier 1, modifier 2

For example: A beautiful photo of a mountain landscape, by thomas kinkade and marc simonetti, 8k resolution, trending on artstation, oil painting.

You can find prompt inspirations at

Advanced options

The product generation field has reserved keys for advanced options:

num_inference_steps: number of denoising steps (minimum: 1; maximum: 200, default: 80)
guidance_scale: scale for classifier-free guidance (minimum: 1; maximum: 20, default: 8)
seed: any number for reproducing the same images (default: random seed)
face_enhance: whether or not to enhance faces, if found (default: false)
negative_prompt: specify what you don't want to see in the generated image (default:"ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft")

You can add any of these options anywhere in the prompt e.g. men sitting at computer desk looking out of window with beautiful views oil painting num_inference_steps:90, prompt_strength:0.9, face_enhance:true

Frequently asked questions

How to create product types other than T-shirts?
As you noticed, the T-shirt is created by default. If you want other products like a hoodie or canvas, type it alongside your idea and submit the form.

How much does it cost?
Product generations are free. Currently available products are T-shirts, Hoodies, and Canvases.

• T-shirts - Starting at $30
• Hoodies - Starting at $60
• Canvases - Starting at $50

Is the NSFW content filter enabled?
Filters are currently enabled.

Are there any limits on generations?
We have some limits in place, which we'll most likely increase in the future:
• Overall monthly limit of 500 product generations
• Daily 3 product generations per device

Are the products private?
All the generated products are private by default. You can share your products with your friends using the magic link from the products page. Additionally, We do monitor generated content. Usage that violates any applicable national, federal, state, local, or international law or regulation will be banned.

How long will you keep the products?
The products will be archived after 30 days of inactivity.

Are images licensed?
CreativeML Open RAIL-M license applies to generated images used for printing on various products.